Walk your Way Slim

Walk you Way Slim

Your body is an amazing machine, and the simplest no-cost, no-prep way to help it run better is to walk.
Some benefits from walking:

    The 3 Week Diet
  • Strengthens your heart
  • Lowers disease risk
  • Helps you lose weight
  • Prevents dementia
  • Tones up legs, bums and tums
  • Boosts vitamin D
  • Gives you energy
  • Makes you happy
Here is your 4 Week Walking Plan*

WEEK 1: Make It a Habit
The goal is to walk every day. Aim for 30 minutes at a moderate pace on at least 3 days. The other 4 days, get out for at least 15 minutes. Being consistent is more important than walking for long periods of time this week. 

WEEK 2: Go a Little Longer
Build your endurance by walking farther 3 days this week (try extending your 30 minutes walks to 45 minutes). On the other days, walk for at least 15 minutes (30 is great too!) and keep a brisk pace. 

WEEK 3: Kick It Up
You will burn more calories when you add intervals to your walks. On 3 days, alternate one minute of fast walking with 2 minutes of moderately paced walking. You´ll also do another long walk this week to continue to build endurance.

WEEK 4: Put It All Together
Intervals, long walks and a routine: You´ve got all the tools now! If you need a rest day, take it between interval days.

Note: Feel free to change the schendule around within the week. Just don´t do intervals on back to back days.
*This article and routine first appear in Dr. Oz The Good Life Magazine, (Sept. 2016 edition, page 42)

Walking Boosters*

Add a few muscle-building moves to your walks twice a week for extra calorie burning. Add to the benefits by doing planks and push-ups once you get home. 

The 3 Week Diet

Side Lunge: Start standing. Step out to the left, bend left knee and push your butt behind you. Keep the right leg straight, foot flat on floor. Push off left foot to come back to start. Do 10 reps, then switch sides. 

Squat: Stand with hip-width apart. Bend knees and lower body as if you are about to sit on a chair. Keep knees over toes. Hold for 1 count, then stand back up. Repeat 10 times. 

Walking Lunge: Begin standing. Step forward with left leg. Bend left knee and lower your body until right knee is close to the ground. Return to standing and repeat with right leg. Take 8 setps, alternating legs. 
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Knee Crossover: Stand with feet hip-width apart, right arm raised, fingertips to the ceiling. Lift leg knee up and bring right elbow in front of your body to meet it. Keep back straight, letting abs do the work. Return to start. Do 8 reps, switch sides and do 8 more. 

*This article and routine first appear in Dr. Oz The Good Life Magazine, (Sept. 2016 edition, page 42)

Hope it will help you achieve your goals! If one of your goals is to lose wait let me give you for FREE The Introduction Manual for the 3 Week Diet Program that will show you how to melt away 12 to 23 pounds of stubborn body fat. To get your FREE Report just Subscribe Below!

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