Walk your Way Slim
Walk you Way Slim Your body is an amazing machine, and the simplest no-cost, no-prep way to help it run better is to walk. Some benefits from walking: Strengthens your heart Lowers disease risk Helps you lose weight Prevents dementia Tones up legs, bums and tums Boosts vitamin D Gives you energy Makes you happy Here is your 4 Week Walking Plan* WEEK 1: Make It a Habit The goal is to walk every day. Aim for 30 minutes at a moderate pace on at least 3 days. The other 4 days, get out for at least 15 minutes. Being consistent is more important than walking for long periods of time this week. WEEK 2: Go a Little Longer Build your endurance by walking farther 3 days this week (try extending your 30 minutes walks to 45 minutes ). On the other days, walk for at least 15 minutes (30 is great too!) and keep a brisk pace. WEEK 3: Kick It Up You will burn more calories when you add intervals to your walks . On 3 days, alternate one minute of fast walk...